Beautiful Boy: Healing Through Life & Love

Sometimes I look at this beautiful boy, living inside the body of this strong man.. cogs turning and going through the motions of life and recovery, day to day.. small signs of internal struggles fill his eyes and fills me with the desire to hold him and never let go.
I am amazed by him and the person he was when I met him vs the person he is now and in those major changes, in a very insignificant amount of time, I see the wonder of his ability to adapt and change and survive this world. I get glimpses of the battles he’s fought through his stories and the comments of the people who loved him long before I, and I am so happy that he survived it all and made it to me.
I’d kiss his face for every tear he dropped and fill him with the love he lacked for himself in the past if it meant that he could survive with me for the rest of our lives.
I love him. Not only in his perfection, but in his chaos and potential for disaster. I have no idea what I’d do if he chose to go back down that path but I hope he never feels that he has to ever again.
Im under no illusion that loving him excessively would stop him from doing anything if he chose to do so… but I will try every day to make sure that he knows that he is loved and has things to live for and how incredible he is as a human being.
I hope he can forgive himself some day and that he could get even a slight glimpse of himself through my eyes because that beautiful boy is worth living for.