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Welcome to the CHAOS!

Welcome to the Inner Workings of My Mind (You're in for quite the ride babe)

Life can be messy and unexpected but luckily we are able to relate to other people through shared chaotic experiences. If you think you are the only one who has ever been through it, you are mistaken!

My name is Taylor. I am 29 this year aka staring down the abyss that is the big 3-0 that is hurdling at full speed in my direction. I have a HUGE family that spans across the world and makes the Mad Hatter's Tea Party seem like a cake walk. My dog's name is Chicken and I have a horse in Jamaica named Queen. Boyfriend? Yes. Do I know what I am doing in life? Absolutely not.

From Left to Right: Completely unrelated photo of vegetables & books. (Photo Credit: The Internet: Wix Stock Photo Gallery)

What Is This Blog About?

If you are still confused as to what this blog will be about, let me clarify. (I have no idea). It will be about very random topics spanning from books I love (or hate) to relationships to owning pets with grand personalities to family stories to serial killers to random recipes I think the world should taste to very opinionated rants about probably nothing in particular. If you were here in the hopes that I would post daily about what I had for lunch or why waking up at 5am will change your life, then I am sorry to inform you that you have landed on the wrong blog.

Liability Disclaimer? (Pretty Sure That's Not How That Works But F*ck It)

I have a degree (that I don't use) in Event Management with a core in Hospitality from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida. But contrary to what society would like to tell you about having a Bachelor's Degree, I am by no means an expert at anything. So, probably take any advice from me with the assumption that i would say the words 'if you want' or 'if you think that would be helpful in your situation' or 'lol' at the end of the sentence, because I take 0 responsibility for the chaos that might ensue afterwards.

Does One Really Need a Closing Message?

Read my blog. Or don't. It's 100% up to you whether you want to see the chaos unfold!

But personally, I encourage you to Subscribe, subscribe, SUBSCRIBE!

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Hi, thanks for stopping by!

Life can get a bit chaotic at times. Reading, writing and painting (by numbers) are my ways of escaping the world! I hope you stick around and find something you can relate to. 

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Let the Chaos
Come to You!

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